श्री ब्रह्म सूक्तम्

Shri Brahma Suktam

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ओं ब्रह्म॑जज्ञा॒नं प्र॑थ॒मं पु॒रस्ता᳚त् । वि सी॑म॒तः सु॒रुचो॑ वे॒न आ॑वः ।
स बु॒ध्निया॑ उप॒मा अ॑स्य वि॒ष्ठाः । स॒तश्च॒ योनि॒-मस॑तश्च॒ विव॑: ।
"Brahma, the creator, who is the divine source of everything, from whom all living beings arise and into whom they eventually merge - to that supreme Brahman I offer my obeisance."
पि॒ता वि॒राजा॑मृष॒भो र॑यी॒णाम् । अ॒न्तरि॑क्षं वि॒श्वरू॑प॒ आवि॑वेश ।
तम॒र्कैर्-अ॒भ्य॑र्चन्ति व॒थ्सम् । ब्रह्म॒ सन्तं॒ ब्रह्म॑णा व॒र्धय॑न्तः ॥
"He who is the supreme god, the cause of the universe, the one who is imperishable and eternal - to that god, I offer my salutations."
ब्रह्म॑ दे॒वान॑जनयत् । ब्रह्म॒ विश्व॑मि॒दं जग॑त् ।
ब्रह्म॑णः क्ष॒त्रं निर्मि॑तम् । ब्रह्म॑ ब्राह्म॒ण आ॒त्मना᳚ ॥
"He who is the creator of the four Vedas, the creator of the entire universe, and the god of all gods - to that god, I offer my salutations."
अ॒न्तर॑स्मिन्नि॒मे लो॒काः । अ॒न्तर्विश्व॑मि॒दं जग॑त् ।
ब्रह्मै॒व भू॒तानां॒ ज्येष्ठम्᳚ । तेन॒ को॑ऽर्हति॒ स्पर्धि॑तुम् ॥
"He who is the lord of all living beings, the protector of the universe, and the one who is omnipresent and omniscient - to that god, I offer my salutations."
ब्रह्म॑न् दे॒वास्त्रय॑स्त्रिग्ंशत् । ब्रह्म॑न्निन्द्र प्रजाप॒ति ।
ब्रह्म॑न् ह॒ विश्वा॑ भू॒तानि॑ । ना॒वीवा॒न्तः स॒माहि॑ता ॥
"He who is the source of all knowledge, the one who is beyond the reach of human intellect, and the one who is beyond time and space - to that god, I offer my salutations.
चत॑स्र॒ आशा॒: प्रच॑रन्-त्व॒ग्नय॑: । इ॒मं नो॑ य॒ज्ञं न॑यतु प्रजा॒नन्न् ।
घृ॒तं पिन्व॑न्न॒जरग्ं॑ सु॒वीरम्᳚ । ब्रह्म॑ स॒मिद्-भ॑व॒त्याहु॑तीनाम् ॥
"May the Ahavanīyādyagnis, perform their great padanyasa in the four directions which are our paths of travel. Accept with love the oblations given by us, and grant us the things that we need. May this Yajña which we have undertaken and oblations which are given by us, be directed to Brahma, who is our supreme purpose (to attain)."

From : Atharva Vēda and the Taittirīya Brāhmaṇa

Information :

The Brahma Sūktam is found both in the Atharva Vēda and the Taittirīya Brāhmaṇa. This text deals with the glory of the Supreme Being. The Brahma Sūktam is used during the famous ritual Udakaśānti. The Udakaśānti is very prevalent and well known to many. It is performed before Upanayana where Varuṇa is invoked in the waters and later the same water is poured on the people who are getting their Upanaya done, this is the same for all the Samskāras. Some even do daily Pārāyaṇa of this Mantra, but normally it is used mainly in the rituals.